Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Job evaluation and pay structure

Job evaluation is the process of establishing a structure for jobs in an organisation. The concern for job evaluation is not for people, but the job itself. A pay structure is the procedure of administering its pay philosophy.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Job evaluation and pay structure specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are different types of pay structures, for example, internal equity method and market pricing. The purpose of a pay structure is to take the role of each person and reason why people receive different compensation. It also deals with opportunities of incentives. The following are objectives of job evaluation: determining how much people who perform the job, should be paid, means of comparing jobs, and pay rates with those of other organisations. Effectiveness of the Armed Forces pays structure policies Wage policies vary in different organisations. Army pays should be at least equal to si milar civilian jobs, but there should be an extra pay on top of that. The Army receives policies under different conditions. For example, when the army goes for a fight or defends a country, they may work in extremely harsh conditions with serious injures involved. Therefore, they receive compensation in relation to harsh conditions. This is a policy that favours the army since they receive extra payments. Offering this policy is as a result of choosing the best pay structure. The armed forces get favours to the national guards. They receive bonuses and incentives. Personnel maintain electronic equipment as a requirement in the military. Those who repair them normally specialize in certain equipment. Also, these individuals use weapons that have electronic components that help, for instance, in firing the weapon. They receive training so that they can handle these electrical weapons (Henderson, 2003). This is a form of policy. Armed forces training and working conditions are terribl y dangerous. Even when there is peace, time and working conditions can be devilishly hard on the individuals. This is because personnel must strictly follow the military rules at all times. The soldiers do not even have time for their families. This leads to split of the families sometimes. They are compensated for their devotion to work.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Protection of individuals and property on military bases and vessels is left to the protective service officers. This is a policy that significantly favours the militants. Systems used in paying salaries and wages to the Armed Forces Some work conditions depend on the branch of service and other factors. Military individuals live or work near military facilities. For one to make complete military personnel, he or she must be physically fit, not insane, and ready to participate. The system used in paying wages and salaries is job evaluation method. It is evident that compensation of individuals is according to their working conditions. Also, offering of salaries is according to the services. Slotting is a method that compares an organization with another, that is already existing (Husband, 1976). The only disadvantage is that it cannot be used as the only system for job evaluation. Comparison with the defence department for civilians The defence department seeks the ability to recruit some civilians into the military. It also forms a civilian expeditionally workforce that will train and equip the civilians to deploy overseas in support of the military missions all over the world. This program also lets in former and retired civilian’s employees who are willing to return to federal service. References Henderson, R. I. (2003).Compensation management in a knowledge-based world (9. ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Higher Education. Husband, T. M. (1976). Work analysis and pay structure. Lond on: McGraw-HillAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on Job evaluation and pay structure specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on Job evaluation and pay structure was written and submitted by user Kayden Roth to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

How to Write a Sample M.L.A. Biography Essay

How to Write a Sample M.L.A. Biography EssayWriting a sample M.L.A. (Models of Behavior) Biography essay is important for any person who would like to get involved in the modeling industry. And while you will find plenty of samples and guides online, here are some things to keep in mind before writing your own.Make sure that your essay is written from a variety of different subjects. While doing research, it will become clear that there are many different styles of writing. You will need to think about how you are going to express your ideas if you are writing a bio for a model or an actress.First, you will need to choose the right format. Before choosing, make sure that it is something that is both interesting and informative. There are many options for writing a biographical essay, so don't hesitate to try different formats to see what works best for you.A template is also a good choice. A template will allow you to begin writing your essay on the very first page and you can simply work your way through from there. This is especially helpful if you know for a fact that you will not be taking a break between paragraphs.Get some reference information. Your sample M.L.A. The biography should include the names and locations of your references. Many sources are happy to be included in your essay as long as they are included appropriately and in the proper context.Put in a few samples of your work, but do not use many pictures unless you are getting them free from the client. In the sample that you use, use only minimal amounts of words and keep the images to a minimum. Any credit given to an agency for using their image should be at least double, if not triple the size of the original image.Lastly, you will need to have a good grasp of grammar and style. Using a style guide is a must. Your samples and examples need to match up with the style guide, so you should always double check your work before submitting it to an editor.Having a sample M.L.A. Biography essay will help you with all of your future endeavors. So take some time and try to create one yourself, so that you will be well prepared for any career that you may have.